Join Me on a Journey

My church began a 12 step program called Celebrate Recovery. At first I was like so many that thought that this was only for alcoholism and drug addiction. How wrong I was! This program addresses everything you can possibly imagine. It is applicable to every person. We all have something to recover from even it is just plain old pride. Join me in my journey to recover from co-dependency and any thing else I will happen to discover on this journey.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lesson 8 - Sponsor

In this lesson I am asked why is it important for me to have a support team.  It is not just in this recovery program that we need support teams.  We cannot go through life without a support team around us in some form or fashion.  We are made to want communion with others.

What is the job of a support team?  They are there to support.  Why is support needed?  Because the foundation is not strong enough on its own.  A support is needed to hold it up.  That is what our support team does for us.

I struggle here.  I do not have much of a support team.  That is usually because of the position I am in as a wife of a minister.  I've always heard from other pastors' wives how alone they feel because they have no one to talk to or confide in.  That is so very true.  You cannot reveal much if anything because most people take it and tell others.  They remember it during a business meeting.  They forget that the pastor and his family are human and so much alone.  Since I am battling co-dependency I have trouble getting a support team because I have no one to talk to.  They all know him and work with him. 

I need to get a support team, but I have no idea where.  I cannot advance much here if I do not have someone who will eventually become my sponsor.  I'm really going to have to pray about this since it could prove disastrous if I do not handle this properly.

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