Join Me on a Journey

My church began a 12 step program called Celebrate Recovery. At first I was like so many that thought that this was only for alcoholism and drug addiction. How wrong I was! This program addresses everything you can possibly imagine. It is applicable to every person. We all have something to recover from even it is just plain old pride. Join me in my journey to recover from co-dependency and any thing else I will happen to discover on this journey.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Recovery is Continual

One thing I have learned in this process is that recovery is an ongoing process.  Even when you say that you have reached step 12, in reality you go through all 12 steps each day of your life.  I have to remind myself over and over that it is not about me.  I have to give it all over to God again.  I have to recognize hurt and pain.  I have to forgive and go forward.  I have to face my defects and work on them.

So many people look at recovery as just getting over being addicted to drugs or alcohol.  How wrong they are!  Each and every person breathing needs to recovery from something.  If nothing else, they need to recover from pride.  No one is perfect.  We are all sinners.  This program is perfect in that it does not address only alcohol or only drugs.  It addresses your entire life. 

In our spiritual walks we are to start our day putting back on the armor of God.  We have to almost start over each day as we prepare ourselves for the battles ahead.  That is no different that it is to be in Celebrate Recovery.  We have to gird up and protect ourselves in the same way.  That armor is vital to us.

Shedding bad baggage and influences is what all Christians are called to do.  We are called to grow and mature.  We are called to recover from this world.

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