Join Me on a Journey

My church began a 12 step program called Celebrate Recovery. At first I was like so many that thought that this was only for alcoholism and drug addiction. How wrong I was! This program addresses everything you can possibly imagine. It is applicable to every person. We all have something to recover from even it is just plain old pride. Join me in my journey to recover from co-dependency and any thing else I will happen to discover on this journey.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Holding onto Anger and Resentment

Believe it or not we all tend to hold onto anger and resentment in our lives. Some maybe more than others, but we do it.

I don't do it as bad as many I know, but shamefully I do. I have a hard time letting it go. Why? Because it always seem to happen over and over again. The same hurt occurs. The same pain. I used it as a way to protect myself. If I stayed angry and remembered the hurt, then I wouldn't put myself back in harm's way.

Now, I was not being physically harmed. But emotional pain is just as bad. Being told that you are a plain Jane, not graceful, ordinary, below par, and just not good enough tends to hurt. Over time you begin to hold that pain close to your heart and begin to hate those that tell you that all time.

But as I was using it as protection for myself, it was also creating a huge crater in my soul. It was festering and preventing me from growing as a child of God. What started off as good protection ended up being the cancer in my life. In fact it was enforcing my co-dependency because I was allowing all the painful words they said to control my life and my growth.

I had to admit that I was holding the anger and resentment and allowing it to control my life. Healing can be painful!

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